Ristorante:  (616) 791-1670
Takeout:      (616) 791-1600


Community Involvement 

Sobie Meatlovers Pizza

We are partnered with our neighbors Sobie Meats to perfect our new Sobie Meatlovers Pizza, as well as multiple other dishes on our menu! This pizza is topped with Sobie's Award Winning Parkside Kielbasa that never ceases to dissapoint!  

Also try Our burger, Prime rib, shaved prime rib on salad or pizza; all featuring fresh meat from Sobies!

We stand by the quality of Sobie Meats and have loved working with them firsthand. The Sobie's are very well known in the community for their quality products and their caring hearts. If you haven't taken a trip to Sobie Meats, we definitley recommend you stop by, buy some meat, and get to know the owners and their amazing staff!

Click on the picture to read more about Sobie's Award Winning Parkside Kielbasa. 

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